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The Mountain of Fire and Miracles Youth Ministry (MFMYM) is a community of youth and young adults from variety of backgrounds, beliefs, culture, race, color, national origin, physical and mental ability or disability. We desire to further the impact of the Gospel of Jesus Christ across the Americas and the Caribbean.

The ministry offers local and national level fellowship meetings that present Christ-centered worship and provides answers to  various life topics, social activities, real-world issues, practical discussions and in-depth Bible study. MFMYM also provides excellent career counseling, professional development tools and networking opportunities for youth in their pursuit of vocational callings.

Our Mission


Our mission is to raise purpose-driven and visionary youths, who will in turn raise a purpose-driven generation through biblical standards. We seek to live our lives with the same heart and passion as Jesus Christ would if He were on earth today.

Our Vision

Advancing lives, producing God-fearing leaders, empowering nations. 

Why Join Us?

  • MFM Youth Ministry is a flourishing branch of a larger church that Jesus established. It is a place where you can know God for yourself, grow in love and faith, and change the world you live in.
  • This is a big friend group. You can bring your friends who have the same needs we all have. We all need a supportive group of friends in our lives.
  • In this youth group, JESUS is our role model, and we have lots of great leaders who strive to live like Him.
  • Unlike some other youth group where things are lethargic, and members don’t seem too excited about their faith. In MFMYM, most people are there because they want to be there. The enthusiasm is contagious.
  • Don’t be a lone ranger, we all need somebody to lean on.

What We Believe

For what shall it profit a man, if he gains the whole world, and suffers the loss of his soul?

MFM – The Americas & Caribbean Youth Ministries – is a branch of the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries.  We are a prayer and deliverance ministry that affirms the articles of faith as presented in the Holy Bible. We affirm that:

  • The Scriptures are the inspired Word of God; the only basis for our faith and fellowship

  • The One True God, ETERNAL EXISTENT in three Persons. God The Father, God The Son and The Holy Spirit

  • The fall and deprivation of mankind necessitate redemption through the Blood of Jesus Christ

  • The Salvation of Mankind is through the Redeeming Work of Jesus Christ and the Regenerative Work of the Holy Spirit.

  • The Baptism of the Holy Spirit – Acts 2:4; 10:44 and 19:1-6

  • Restitution for past wrongs where possible

  • The Ordinance of the Church, the Lord’s Supper and Water Baptism

  • Divine healing as provided by the Lord Jesus Christ

Surely, the Lord is Here

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Our Team

Marufu Lamidi

Admin / Financial Coordinator

Tolulope Funso

Prayer Coordinator

Gbenga Aluko

Evangelism Coordinator

Adesanya Olaoluwa

Coordinator - Mega Region 1

Adebayo Asoro

Coordinator - Mega Region 2

Ife Williams

Coordinator - Mega Region 3

Oluwaseyi Aremu

Coordinator - Canada East

Abraham Shalom Obakozuwa

Coordinator - Canada West

Israel Emmanuel

Youth Coordinator

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