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So You Wanna Work in Tech?

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Gen 1:27-28 

Is there a desire in your heart to go for a tech career in the future? Amazing! The technology industry remains a dynamic, ever-growing field, teeming with many exciting opportunities and developments. It is a diverse landscape offering many career opportunities, the number of which will continue to grow with more developments in artificial intelligence and cloud computing (OpenAI or NVIDIA anyone?).  

Many of the world’s leading companies making global impact today rely heavily on technology in their day-to-day operations, which is why these same companies invest tons of money and resources into seeking out and recruiting people for tech roles—even if the company itself is not a tech company.   

If you are reading this article, chances are you are interested in exploring technology as a career area for you, but you may not know where to start. Or perhaps you know where you want to start, but do not know how or what to expect. Regardless of which camp you fall into; it is worth understanding the various paths that exist in this field! Aspiring tech bro or sis, see the list below. 

Software Engineering & Software Development 
Being a software developer or engineer (SDE) is often what most people think of or talk about when it comes to working in tech—it is probably the single most popular entry point into the field. Day-to-day tasks are centered around designing, implementing, and optimizing the apps and systems that run on the computers, mobile phones, and other electronic devices we use. Many kinds of SDEs exist (you may have heard of front-end, back-end, full-stack, web, or mobile developers and engineers). But they all know how to innovate, iterate, and improve on the software they develop. They have a good grasp of programming languages such as Python, JavaScript, Java, and C++, as well as experience with libraries, frameworks, and algorithms—they know how to code well! So, whether you are building mobile apps, developing enterprise software, or creating and maintaining websites, software development offers endless possibilities.   

Data Science & Data Analytics  
Way back in 2006, British mathematician, entrepreneur, and data scientist Clive Humby stated, “Data is the new oil.” The way in which data has seen a meteoric rise in quantity and relevance in everyday discussion since ‘06 may very well mean that data is now more valuable than oil. Enjoy working with numbers, graphs, and discovering patterns therein? Consider a career in data science/analytics. Companies big and small are looking for data scientists and analysts that can parse all their internal and client data, break it down, and present it meaningfully. Day-to-day tasks involve usage of statistical techniques, data visualization software, and machine learning (a subfield of AI) to help organizations make data-driven decisions. Sounds cool? Learn Excel/Google Sheets and Tableau. Data scientists, just like SDEs, can also code using programming languages with strong data analysis libraries like Python & R!  

Data is important and valuable. But what is often valuable can also be vulnerable. With the rise of digital threats, cybersecurity has become a critical field in protecting data. Many organizations have lost millions from cyber-attacks. People have had sensitive information like online passwords, banking info, credit card details, and even their identity stolen. This is where cybersecurity professionals come in—they are the watchdogs of the technology industry. They build the secure systems that safeguard an organization’s information and address data breaches when those systems fail. They are experts in ethical hacking, security engineering, and systems programming. They stay one step ahead of cybercriminals by simulating attacks on systems to identify vulnerabilities before implementing fixes. If this sounds interesting, consider cybersecurity as your means to keep on the firing line against cybercrime.  

Product Management  
Less interested in programmatic implementation and more interested in overseeing how products come to life? Still want to be a tech professional? Consider product management as your way to breakthrough in tech. Being a product manager (PM) is exciting and unique, as it combines many aspects of technology, business, design, and strategy. PMs guide a company’s products from their initial concept to their final launch and have a keen understanding of what that company’s customers and users need. Products can be physical (e.g., Apple’s AirPods) or digital (e.g., AI-powered language tools that fuel Duolingo’s premium subscription features). They take the initiative to conduct market research, defining a product’s vision, and ensuring that the product meets user needs and business goals. So, if you are a people-facing person who enjoys analytical thinking, communication, and understanding the markets, PM is likely your special onramp to the tech industry.  

UI/UX Design  
Love blending creativity with technology? A career in user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design is probably your fit. UX designers dive deep into researching and analyzing user needs to make products more usable and enjoyable, while UI designers focus on crafting visually appealing interfaces for products’ users. Ever heard or used Canva or Figma? What about Adobe XD or Sketch? These are some of the most popular day-to-day tools UI/UX designers use. If you are passionate about both aesthetics and functionality and like the idea of scaling basic wireframes all the way up to colorful prototypes that ensure seamless user interactions, then UI/UX design would be a fulfilling tech role. These designers are at the forefront of shaping how people interact with digital products every day! 

The tech industry offers a rewarding career path for those with deep interest and the right skills to back it up! Whatever field you are into, there is a place for you. So, learn how to learn and keep learning. Enter that summer program. Take that class. Apply for that job or internship. Most importantly, pray and believe in God for direction and success.  

Opportunities & Resources 

CodePath (for college students. Offers courses in technical interview prep, web development, and cybersecurity.) 

Software Engineering – MLT Career Prep (for rising college sophomores) 

MITES (MIT STEM pre-college programs) (for rising high school seniors) 

Scholarship and Internship – Amazon Future Engineer (for rising high school seniors)  
freeCodeCamp (for anyone. Offers free, self-paced courses and certifications in many areas of tech, including the ones covered in this article.) 

LeetCode (for anyone. Offers an exhaustive catalog of the types of problems given in technical interviews for full-time roles, internships, and programs) Kaggle (for anyone. Helpful for those interested in learning more about data science. 

Kaggle (for anyone. Helpful for those interested in learning more about data science.) 

1. I receive power for profitable employment in Jesus name. 

2. O Lord make your way plain before my face in Jesus name. 

3. Doors of opportunities open unto me in Jesus name. 

4. I reject the spirit of career confusion in Jessu name. 

5. I receive the sound mind of Christ to make clear choices and decisions in Jesus name. 

Photo by Ola Dapo on Pexels. 

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