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Reflection: The litany of  Gossip

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer. Psalm 19:14 

From the urge to crucify people with my words, deliver me Jesus. 
From the passion to stain people’s image, deliver me Jesus. 
From the tendencies to be a Judas, deliver me Jesus. 
From my preconceived notions, deliver me Jesus. 
From the need to gossip, deliver me Jesus. 
From the need to bring up people's past sins, ugly reputations, past struggles, deliver me Jesus. 
From the need to spoil the attractiveness of people’s story, deliver me Jesus. 
From the need to kill with words, deliver me Jesus. 
From the need to entertain gossip, set me free Jesus. 
Remind me Lord that when I gossip, I render what you are doing in others useless. 
Remind me Lord that when I gossip and speak untrue words behind people’s back, I am taking sides with darkness. 
Remind me Lord that when I gossip; when I speak untrue things about someone who you are still sanctifying, I am waging war against your work and your glory. 
Help me Lord to be a true witness; not a false witness in the lives of my brothers and sisters. 

1. Holy spirit, be in my mouth and in my speech in Jesus name. 
2. Holy spirit, control my ability to frame my words in Jesus name. 
3. Blood of Jesus, purge my tongue and purify my lips in Jesus name. 
4. May the words of my mouth, and the meditations of my heart be acceptable to you O Lord, in Jesus name. 
5.  Father, forgive me for the hurt I have caused others through my reckless tongue, in Jesus name. 

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