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Embrace Your Imperfections! 

To arrive at your better self, embrace your imperfections and quit being embarrassed or limited by them. 

The woman at the well (John 4: 1-42) must have been the talk of town with her shady past, morals of an alley cat and unrighteous nature. For the record, she had been married five times, and the man she was currently with was not her husband. No doubt, tongues must have been wagging. However, on one remarkable day, Jesus approached her, asking for a drink of water, and thus, began an unexpected conversation.  If the Pharisees and Sadducees had spotted the messiah in the same space with the town harlot, it would have intensified their disapproval of him since such behavior went against their religious and societal norms. They held a strict interpretation of the law and expected the Messiah to adhere to their standards. Without a doubt, their perennial question would echo once more ‘why does he eat and drink with sinners and tax collectors.’  
Religious people focus on the law and not God’s redeeming grace. As a result, they don’t associate with shady people, and they don’t extend love to the unrighteous, lest their white garments become stained. However, the messiah’s actions and teachings often challenged these traditional beliefs. He emphasized forgiveness, compassion, and inclusivity, by condemning sin but embracing the sinner. This often led to friction with religious leaders who held a more rigid view of righteousness. 

The woman at the well uncovered her true self to Jesus Christ, holding back nothing and shedding any pretense. The first step to experiencing God’s grace and liberation in Christ is to remove the veil and embrace your imperfections. These imperfections inherent within us, are purposefully woven to reveal God’s redemptive glory. Her admission of sin, openness, her honesty, and her thirst for truth caused Jesus to reveal the kingdom of God to the woman at the well. As she dug deeper with her questions, she knew more, her understanding expanded, and this encounter forever transformed her life.  She even became an evangelist, spreading the message of Jesus throughout the town.  
If we persist in passing judgement on others, we hinder the influence and outreach of the gospel. In the pursuit of saving souls, let us refrain from self-righteousness and, instead, speak the truth with love, granting everyone a fair opportunity. Jesus Christ said in Luke 5:32 “I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.” In God’s kingdom, every individual has significance.  Our flaws and weaknesses were designed to work together for God’s purpose. Therefore, draw closer to Christ, as it is the only way to experience the finished work of the cross. Come as you are, you are valued. Enter into God’s abundance and delight. Welcome home. 
1. Holy Spirit divine, correct my past mistakes in Jesus name. 
2. Power in the blood of Jesus, cleanse me and make me whole again in Jesus name. 
3. Lord Jesus, rebuild my waste places in Jesus name. 
