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Are You Self-conscious About Your Skin? 

Jayden was a happy-go-lucky kind of kid who had no care in the world. His grades were good enough, he participated in team sports, and had a friend group he hung out with in school. Life was normal and he had no complaints until puberty hit! I mean, he was thankful for the increase in height, the baritone voice, and the broad shoulders, but the acne was out of this world. They crawled all over his face like a plague, and they were not normal acne either. It was massive, unsightly, and oozing like cream cheese. Whenever he walked through the corridors, he felt all eyes on him. The teasing and jokes didn’t make it easier either as he gradually withdrew into a world of his own. 
Remember what Ecclesiastes 1:9 says? ‘What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.’ Well, if you are self-conscious about your skin due to acne, blemishes, hyperpigmentation, scarring, vitiligo, eczema, psoriasis, and the like, the good news is you are not the first, and you certainly won’t be the last.  

Naaman the army general was worth his weight in medals and honors. 2 Kings 5:1 describes him as a great man and a valiant soldier who was highly regarded as commander of the king of Aram’s army. Indeed, his sterling qualities must have included bravery, loyalty, integrity, duty, and selfless service amongst others. Nevertheless, despite his stellar qualities and achievements, the bible says, ‘but he had leprosy.’ Imagine his internal fears, picture his moments of self-doubt, think about the rejection he must have experienced due to his skin condition. It is likely he had insecurities

Growing pains, though difficult, are essential for our character development as we transition into adulthood. They shape us and prepare us for the challenges ahead. Jeremiah 48:11 describes Moab as a people who lived undisturbed, never experiencing exile or upheaval. They are compared to wine left to settle on its dregs, unchanged and stagnant. Similarly, if we remain in our comfort zone, we risk missing out on real growth and change. So, embrace the discomfort of growth to become the best version of yourself. 
While working towards the best version of ourselves, there are several practical tips and advice that we can take right now to help lessen acne. 

Here are some skin care tips to begin with 

  • Identify your skin type. It will either be oily skin, dry skin, or combination skin (dry as well as oily). 
  • Begin a simple skin care routine starting at age 13 by using a face wash tailored to your skin type in the morning and at night.  
  • Watch what you eat. Excessive sugar and frequent fast food consumption can negatively affect your skin. 
  • Maintain a healthy diet by incorporating fruits and vegetables and aim to drink the recommended 2 liters of water daily.  
  • In severe cases, seek advice from a dermatologist or aesthetician. 
  • Open up to a trusted, responsible adult such as your parents or youth pastors.  

Just as things eventually worked out for Naaman and the Lord healed him of his skin condition, with the prayers below, position yourself as next in line for a healing miracle. Want to share your experience? Leave us a comment. 

1. I wash my skin with the blood of Jesus in Jesus name. 
2. Fire of purification, purify my skin in Jesus name. 
3. Jesus the great physician, heal my skin now in Jesus name. 
4. Holy Spirit divine, lay your hands on my heart and comfort me in Jesus name. 
5. At your word O Lord, let the mountain of hindrance before me be made low in Jesus name. 
